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How to cancel a Grubhub order and get a refund

The Grubhub app lets you cancel orders within a time limit.


  • You can cancel orders on Grubhub through the app’s Orders menu, but you’ll need to chat with an agent.
  • Canceling your Grubhub order doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll get a refund.
  • If the restaurant has already sent your Grubhub order, you might not be allowed to cancel it.
  • Visit Insider’s Tech Reference library for more stories.

Apps like Grubhub make it incredibly quick to order takeout from dozens of restaurants around you. But sometimes you can go so quickly that you make an order by mistake.

No matter the reason, you can cancel Grubhub orders through the app. Just note that there’s a time limit, and canceling your order won’t automatically grant you a refund.

Here’s how to cancel your Grubhub order, and then request a refund.

Quick tip: These same steps also work for the Seamless app, which is run by Grubhub.

How to cancel a Grubhub order

Once you order something on Grubhub, it’ll show up in the app’s “Orders” menu. That’s where you’ll go to talk with a Grubhub agent to cancel it.

1. Open the Grubhub app and tap Orders in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

2. Your current order should appear at the top of this page. Tap it.

3. Tap Help in the top-right corner, then select Cancel order from the list of options that appears.

Open the “Help” menu and say that you want to cancel the order.

Grubhub; William Antonelli/Insider

4. Give a reason for cancelling, then tap Chat With Us.

5. A chat window will open, and you’ll be connected to a member of Grubhub’s customer service team. Let them review your order, and they’ll tell you if it can be cancelled or not.

Your customer service representative will try to cancel the order.


Grubhub’s customer service representative will do their best to help you cancel, but if the restaurant has already prepared and sent your order, it’s likely too late. If you still want to cancel, you should call the restaurant and talk to them directly.

How to get a refund from Grubhub

If you cancel fast enough, the Grubhub customer service representative that you speak with should process your refund right away. Otherwise, you’ll need to contact Grubhub directly.

You can call Grubhub at 1-877-585-7878. It might take some time, but you should eventually get to speak with a real person who can help you get a refund. You can also chat with an agent online by heading to the Orders menu, tapping the order that you had an issue with, and then tapping Help in the top-right corner.

Note: Seamless’ phone number is 1-877-951-2500.

Just be aware that refunds aren’t guaranteed, and even if you get one it can take up to five business days to process.

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