US adults in middle- or lower-income households are feeling inflation pressures more than top earners.
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- US inflation is at a four-decade high, and Americans across income brackets are feeling the squeeze.
- In May, Gallup highlighted Americans’ concerns about finances — from paying rent to covering medical costs.
- These charts show Americans’ financial circumstances based on a variety of survey results and data.
Americans are stressed out about inflation, which is at a four-decade high. They’re seeing inflation’s impact as they travel and spend money on goods and services like groceries, flights, and gas.
“Everybody is buying food, everybody is buying gas, everybody’s paying utility bills, so it’s affecting everybody,” Jeffrey Jones, senior editor at Gallup, told Insider. “Obviously, upper-income people can absorb those price increases easier than lower-income people can.”
As Insider recently reported, Americans are not feeling so great about the US economy in general, with the University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index plummeting to a new monthly low in June. Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index dropped to -45 in May, which Jones wrote is “the lowest reading in Gallup’s trend during the coronavirus pandemic, and likely the lowest confidence has been since the tail end of the Great Recession in early 2009.”
Jones pointed out to Insider one Gallup poll asking Americans how they rated their finances. For middle income, 55% said their finances were excellent or good in 2021, higher than the 41% of middle-income respondents who said this in 2022. Upper income saw the second-largest percentage-point drop but still had the highest share saying their finances are excellent or good like in 2021. Just under a quarter of lower-income respondents said their finances are excellent or good in the 2022 poll.
But rising prices are not affecting every American equally.
With half of US adults residing in middle-income households and lower-income households feeling inflation pressures more than top earners, we took a look at survey results and data over time to see how Americans’ financial situations have been doing and how they are feeling about their circumstances.
Those in households making $100,000 or more were more likely to say in a Gallup survey that rising prices are not causing them financial hardship.
Back in January, non-seasonally adjusted inflation was about 7.5% year-over-year. And survey results of US adults from that time highlight who was feeling financial hardship due to inflation at the start of 2022. Respondents were asked “have recent price increases caused any financial hardship for you or your household?”
As seen in the chart, respondents with annual household income of less than $40,000 had the highest share saying “severe” financial hardship. Lower-income and middle-income adults in this survey had a similar share of almost half saying they feel “moderate hardship.”
“We see too that inflation is kind of emerged as a top problem that people are concerned about,” Jones said about other findings from Gallup. “For many years, it wasn’t something that ever really registered that much as a problem, but now it ranks up there with the government as a number one problem that people mention.”
As Grow reported, middle-income Americans are especially feeling the negative impact of rising prices. Wells Fargo wrote in January that “middle-income consumers are feeling the squeeze, with inflation half a point higher than those at both the highest and lowest ends of the income spectrum.”
A higher share of respondents say they’re worried about being able to pay bills in 2022 than in 2021.
A May post from Gallup also highlights the concerns Americans are feeling about their financial circumstances, from being able to pay expenses like rent or being able to have enough money to cover medical costs.
The chart above highlights the share by annual household income of US adults who say they are “very” or “moderately worried” about “not having enough money to pay monthly bills.” Across the board, the shares increased from a year earlier. However, US adults in lower-income households, or those making less than $40,000, saw the largest percentage point increase of 15 points. The percentage-point increase for upper-income followed behind, at 11 points.
Middle-income US adults — defined by Gallup here as an annual household income of $40,000 to $99,999 — are also concerned about this. Forty percent of middle-income Americans said they are very or moderately worried about this in 2022. About a third, 34%, of middle-income respondents also said they’re worried about “paying rent, mortgage, other housing costs” and about a quarter, 22%, of middle-income respondents said they’re “making minimum payment on credit cards.”
Three-fourths of lower-income respondents are worried about having enough for retirement, but the middle class is also concerned about their retirement savings.
According to Gallup results, American adults living in lower-income households are the most worried about having enough for retirement, where three-quarters of lower-income respondents said this. Sixty-two percent of middle-income Americans also said this, similar to the share of middle-income respondents who said this last year. However, upper-income respondents are also worried about retirement funds, with 54% of these respondents saying this.
Tyler Bond, research manager at the National Institute on Retirement Security, said per a press release the middle class in the US “can no longer afford retirement.”
“Middle class Americans face sharp economic inequality, with ownership of financial assets highly concentrated among the wealthy,” Bond said. “Now that we have a retirement system largely built around the individual ownership of financial assets in 401(k) accounts, middle class Americans are struggling to accumulate sufficient financial assets during their working years. This means the retirement outlook for many in the middle class is bleak at best.”
Data from the New York Fed highlights the differences in inflation expectations by income.
Inflation expectations have changed over time, and Americans in all income brackets think that inflation will still be a big problem a year from now.
According to New York Fed data, inflation expectations aren’t the same across household income. Based on May 2022 data, those in households making under $50,000 expect 7.2% inflation a year from now, an increase from those expectations in April. On the other hand, one-year inflation expectations dropped in May to 6.3% for those in households making $50,000 to $100,000.
People with total household income under $50,000 are most worried about not being able to pay off debt in the near-term.
“The average perceived probability of missing a minimum debt payment over the next three months increased by 0.4 percentage point to 11.1% in May,” the New York Fed wrote in a press release.
At the income level, the probabilities of those with a household income of $50,000 to $100,000 are down in May from the start of the year in January, opposite of what those with total household income of over $100,000 or under $50,000 said. The average estimated likelihood of missing a debt payment in the next year rose 0.7 percentage points from April 2022 to May 2022 to 17.8% for those with total household income under $50,000.
University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers also highlight how middle-income Americans are feeling about their finances.
With half of US adults in middle-income households as of 2021 according to a Pew analysis, we decided to see just how this group of Americans feel their and their family’s finances are doing compared to a year ago.
Compared to three-month moving average at the start of the year in January, a higher share in the middle-income third are feeling worse off financially in April 2022. That share is also higher than those saying better off or the same in April.
Rising prices could be one reason Americans in the middle class feel this way. They could also feel that their salaries aren’t keeping up with inflation.
Even though workers are reaping the benefits of wage gains, Americans are still not so sure about if they’re earning enough amid 40-year high inflation. According to a Conference Board survey of US workers, mainly professional or office employees, just under two-thirds (62%) said they are worried about their pay being able to keep up with inflation. Inflation has continued to soar since the survey. A CNBC|Momentive Workforce Survey similarly shows a majority of US workers feel that pay growth isn’t keeping up with rising prices.
Over a third of middle-income respondents say the reason they’re feeling financially better off is because of higher income.
Looking just at those in the middle third of income, 34% of those who said they’re better off financially than a year ago said this because of higher income. Looking just at the data from 2021 to present, the share who said this was about a third each month, so it’s not unusual that that is still the case.
The share saying “assets higher” as a reason they’re better off has been trending downward, which could be related to the tumbling of stocks.
Rising prices seem to be the a growing reason why middle-income respondents are feeling financially worse off.
About a third, 35%, of those feeling financially worse off than a year ago in the middle income third said this because of rising prices. That’s not only 7 percentage points higher than in January 2022, but that share has been on the rise. A small share said their financial feelings were because of higher debts or lower assets.
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta data shows how hourly wages have changed during the pandemic for those in different wage quartiles
As of May 2022, those in the bottom half of the wage distribution are seeing 12-month moving averages higher than the overall growth of 5.0%. The lowest and second-lowest quartiles are seeing wage growth of 6.7% and 5.7% respectively. Those in the third and fourth quartile are seeing lower wages gains than their lower-paid peers. But as the chart shows, these wage gains have continued to climb.
Americans have seen wages go up as businesses look for solutions to staffing issues, both in finding and retaining employees.
Overall household wealth has continued to grow for the middle class.
Household wealth of the 50-90% wealth percentile was $31.6 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2019 right before the pandemic. It has since climbed to $39.6 trillion as of the first quarter in 2022. That means this group holds 28.1% of the country’s wealth in the first quarter of 2022.
Rakesh Kochhar, senior researcher at Pew Research Center, told Insider based on Pew’s analysis of Current Population Survey data that “the growth” of middle-income households’ income “has lagged behind the growth and the income of upper-income households.”
“So you have then rising inequality or more accurately, really a reflection of rising inequality with that middle-income households are falling behind upper-income households,” Kochhar said. “As a result, the share of US aggregate household income has steadily shifted towards upper-income households whose share has gone up by a significant margin.”
How much US households have in assets and of what kind varies across wealth percentiles.
Federal Reserve data also shows the breakdown of wealth. For those in the 50-90% wealth percentile, most of their assets are in real estate, followed by pension entitlements. This group held $12.93 trillion in real estate in the fourth quarter of 2019; in the first quarter of 2022 this figure was $16.80 trillion. The above chart shows how asset levels compare to those in the middle class to other wealth percentiles in the first quarter of 2022.
Most of the upper income bracket’s assets are in corporate equities and mutual fund shares, making up 46.6% of their assets as of the first quarter of 2022. With stocks largely being held by the upper bracket, the top 1% may be feeling the pain from the stock market tumbling more so than their peers.
Home mortgages make up the highest share of the middle class’ liabilities.
We can also look at the liabilities of those in the middle class. Home mortgages make up the most in liabilities for those falling in the 50-90% wealth percentile at over $5 trillion. The above chart shows how liabilities levels compare to those in the middle class to other wealth percentiles in the first quarter of 2022.
The top 1% have less in liabilities than their peers. Still, home mortgages made up the highest share of liabilities for this wealth percentile, at 72.8% in the first quarter of 2022.
Although Americans are feeling the pain of rising prices amid high inflation, some economic measures show some good news for Americans. Ted Rossman, senior industry analyst at, told Insider, that he thinks “things probably feel worse than they are”, pointing to some other different economic measures.
“I think, though, a lot of the sentiment ratings have been worse than the reality,” Rossman said, “that when you look at actual numbers and — I’m thinking everything from the job market, which is really one of the strongest in 50 years, to the delinquency rate on credit cards and other loans and lines of credit, that’s really, really low historically speaking, the debt-to-income ratio is well below historical norms, retail sales spending has been strong — a lot of the actual data has been more positive. I think the big question is how long that lasts.”